Izlaganje na konferenciji AAA (2024.)
Sanja Potkonjak i Nevena Škrbić Alempijević autorice su izlaganja popraćenog posterom pod naslovom „Ruinous matter, ruptured lives: the praxis of postindustrial fieldscapes“. Izlaganje je održano na Godišnjoj konferenciji Američkog antropološkog društva (AAA) u Tampi, Florida, od 20. do 23. 11. 2024.
Sažetak izlaganja:
This presentation deals with the emergence of ruinous spaces, rapturous livelihoods, and material decay, set within the complex framework of postindustrial capitalism. It shows how livelihoods and matterscapes in the postindustrial city have been ruptured by technological advancement, globalization, and neoliberal policies. Amidst this landscape of ruins, rubble, and ruptures, the new praxis of postindustrial fieldscapes emerges, informing how the researchers understand, interact with, and care for physical environments and shattered social fabrics. In our research, urban ruination, environmental degradation, infrastructural decay, and the precarization of work converge to paint a picture of contemporary postindustrial arrangements. Within a newly funded project that uses the acronym PostCity, the research team examines ruinous matters of the postindustrial city and the raptured lives of postindustrial citizens. We focus on ethnographic practice as a way to recreate and curate biographies, evoke and immerse in affect, and entangle oneself with ruins. In that way, the project seeks to challenge and alternate the ways of recognizing and knowing, feeling and caring, collaborating and reciprocating in anthropological practice. By showing how we have designed our project and embarked on ruinous fieldscapes, we wish toboost recognition of ruinous matters and re-empower raptured lives.